Your search results for: Hedgelaying supplies
Phil Clayton
Products and services
Sweet chestnut posts/stakes/spiles
Sweet chestnut poles peeled/unpeeled all sizes
Sweet chestnut cleft post and rail fencing, two and three rail versions.
Sweet chestnut gates and gate hurdles
Hazel Hedge laying stakes and binders
Hazel beanpoles and stakes
Firewood (limited to local, 2cubic m + only)
Green wood working
Dave Dibden
Products and services
handmade coppice products
Bean sticks / pea sticks,
Besom brooms
Morris staves,
Gypsy pegs,
Gypsy flowers,
David and James Spratt
Black Fox woodland products
Products and services
logs, Firewood kindling,
stakes and binders,
rustic poles and fencing supplies,
bean poles, pea sticks