Contact us
If you are looking for specific product or member have you looked at our Members page? if so and you still cant find what you are looking for then you are in the right place
Please give as much information as possible about the product or service you are looking for.
NB: HCG does not make or sell any products itself. Your message will be passed on to our members in your area who have the relevant skills.
Things such as:
- Your general location
- The product you are interested in e.g.. Hurdles, charcoal, hedgelaying, logs, woodland management, etc…
- Your area of interst e.g. training courses, exibitors for shows, membership of the group, etc..
If you are a woodland owner looking for Managment advice please give information such as:
- General Location
- Size
- Age and condition
- Any designation e.g. SSSI, SINC etc..
The more information you can give the faster we can deal with your enquiry.